Timothy Guan‑tin Chien·@timdream

Physics Demonstration Laboratory 2006‑​2009

I’ve been making websites since Geocities days, and have been bonding with friends online since. When I left high school, I signed up physics as a major because I figured there should be more wonder in the physical world than in the computer science. With that, I made my way to the Department of Physics at National Central University.

Even as a physics-major, I wanted to marry my interest in building things on the Web and physics. Dr. Ching-Chi Chu gave me the fantastic opportunity to create a website for her laboratory, the Physics Demonstration Laboratory, which pioneered demonstrating physics concepts through specially crafted equipments and demonstrations.

Screenshot of the site
The website, circa 2011, as captured by the Wayback Machine.

At the time, I tried to piece many features into the website — based on WordPress, it came with an oEmbed-powered video uploading and transcoding service, mathematical equation rendering based on LaTeX, and few other custom plug-ins. I managed the Linux hosting myself and picked up some Linux server administration skill along the way.

I was happy with the recognition for connecting my interests and studies. With this, and my volunteer work at the local Mozilla community lay the foundation for me to bootstrap a career in software engineering. My career in physics concludes with a B. Sc. degree.

The website and the laboratory have since consolidated into National Central University Science Education Center. It can be found at phy.tw.